Sunday, December 15, 2024

Roland Savage Dayton, Preacher, Farmer, Blacksmith, Allegany County Commisoner & Gunsmith.

 Roland Savage Dayton, Gunsmith, Blacksmith, Farmer, County commissioner, and preacher, was born in 1815. In the 1850 census, he lived just two doors down from Gunsmith Frederick Sheetz's residence in Sheetz Mill, Hampshire County, Virginia, present-day Headsville Mineral County, West Virginia. He probably learned the gunsmith trade in the Sheetz shop. By 1860, he was living in McCoole, Maryland, and remained there until his death on August 1, 1900. 


                                                                  Roland Savage Dayton

The two featured half-stock percussion rifles below were made and signed by Dayton. We have seen eight rifles that Dayton made, half of which were full stocks. All of them were original percussion. All but one had both a patchbox and a capbox. Both of the rifles below have 38-inch barrels that have not been cut. One is a 40 caliber and the other 36. 


Rifles of The Feather

                                                               Barrel Signed R S Dayton
                                                                  Patchbox Signed, R S D
Rifle # 2 Below

                       Only Known Original Iron Triggerguard on a Hampshire County Rifle. 
Barrel Signed R S D

 Capboxes Below From Other Signed Dayton Rifles

Roland was an Allegany County commissioner in the mid-1860s.  




Roland was also a Methodist preacher. After the Civil War, the Methodist church at Headsville did not have a preacher, so Roland would walk from McCoole, Maryland, to preach. His Obituary states that he preached 6,000 sermons. He and his wife Nancy had 15 children. At his death in 1900, they had 66 grandchildren and 56 great-grandchildren. His obituary was published in newspapers across the United States. 


                                                                   Kansas City Star   


                                                                  Baltimore Sun

                                                                      Roland S Dayton
                                                              Dayton Cemetery 21 Bridge
                                                                     McCoole Maryland
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Jacob Ludwick

 Jacob Ludwick was a gunsmith in the Western part of Hampshire County, present-day Mineral County. The only record of him being a gunsmith i...